Monday, April 12, 2010

A little bit about me, and a lot about Him ♥

I am a 19 year old daughter of the Most High God! I was born and raised in church, and even attend a Christian school, but I did not truly accept the love of the Father until 2 weeks before my 18th birthday. I have been redeemed, set free, and I made new. "Because of Christ's redemption, I am a new creation of INFINITE worth. I am deeply loved, completely forgiven, fully pleasing, totally accepted by God and absolutely complete in Christ. There has never been another person like me in the history of mankind, nor will there ever be. God has made me an original, one of a kind, really somebody!" (taken from Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee) This describes the core of my being and I couldn't be more overjoyed by all of these truths! I am a very passionate person; When I love, I love fully and with my whole heart. I love music, it encapsulates a great deal of who I am as a Child of God. I have been called to music ministry and I'm constantly seeking new ways to serve my Lord and Savior. I am by no means perfect, so please don't think otherwise. I am flawed, I make mistakes and I make them often. I am human, which means I am sinful. But I believe in redemption through Jesus Christ. The beauty of the Father is that He KNOWS that we are sinful, He knows we are going to make mistakes long before we even make them, yet He loves us anyway! In fact, not only does He love us, but He loves us with a deeply beautiful, crazy love that cannot be found on earth. He forgives us for every sin we commit, and goes on loving us just the same as before. It is, however, our responsibility to learn from our sins and mistakes. Yes, God will forgive us for our sins, but does that mean that just because He will forgive us, we can just go off and be wild, sinful people all the time? Our goal as His children should always be to bring glory to His name! He is our Father and everything we do should be for the glory of God. Lift your eyes to Him, because He is your Healer, Redeemer, loving Father, best friend, and so much more! He has been with you from the start, and He will never leave you!

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