Monday, August 17, 2009

First Day

Well I wrote this last week, after my first day, and for some reason it just didn't post. So here it is... my feelings after the first day of my senior year. So.. today was the first day of senior year. It was pretty interesting. Re-aquainting with old teachers, meeting new ones, jumping back into the same old routine. For weeks, this day has been a D-day of sorts... a time bomb just waiting to go off and throw me into a chaotic existence. However, so far, it hasn't been chaotic. New. Different. Somewhat exciting... but not chaotic. I can actually say that, after much prayer, I walked into school today with an open mind, ready to take on whatever might be waiting for me beyond those familiar doors. Because of that, I am actually very excited about this year. I have high hopes for my classes, and high hopes for myself this year. AP English looks to be fun, but today was only introductions... so I wouldn't quote FUN yet. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna breeze through computer (the fact that my teacher is a good friend helps keep me from panicking.) I'm hoping Bible class will be a very unique experience this year. I was expecting as much from these classes. There is one class however that kinda blew me away... in a good way. Speech. The teacher is very enthusiastic and she seems to have some really great (and increasingly different) ideas for our class. It's miraculous how much you can learn about a person from just one meeting. I find myself incredibly excited about this class, and that's a very big deal considering the idea of speaking in front of people is the most terrifying thing I can think of. The rest of my classes are pretty much standard... Pre-Cal is intimidating, Government is well... government... and choir....... well I'm not sure what to think about that one yet... we didn't go very far into things today so who knows what to expect. Well that was pretty much all I had to say. Nothing very life-changing... just some hopes for the first day. Wow... first day of my senior year! I can't believe it's already here. Well anyways, since that's pretty much all this was about... I bid you ado. =D

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